Dear Alphabet community,.

04 Jun 2023, 09:33
Dear Alphabet community, First of all we really appreciate the support we got from this amazing community, big respect to all of you. We the core team: Jorick/DarkDon and Alphageek discovered that Billy and his team of developers were doing some scatchy things, after further discovery we noticed Billy and his team have installed some bot in the mainnet which made them able to sell big amounts of alt coins for bnb. They are doing this with unknown wallets. We tried contacting billy and his team with succes. They promissed us everything will be set to normal but they didnt. We are in such a shock and disappointment, we worked for months on this project and still cant believe why he and the rest of the developers would do this to us and the whole Alphabet community. We have prove of the situation and even conversations where Billy says what the development team has done to the Alphabet Network. He promised us several times that he will fix it but he does keep lying. What we are gonna do is report him to certik and the police. We are more than mad about the whole situation and how Billy could do this to us (the Alphabet community and support) We are trying our best to see what we can do. We are beyond mad and just dont know why Billy would do this. Especially with having the bridge and mainnet fully functional. The last several days we tried everything we could to make Billy change his mind, he promissed us multiple times everything will be fixed but Billy and his team are just playing around with us. We really hoped he would change his mind but this didnt happen therefor this post.